
Disaster prevention in many schools and local communities, to all Japan!

Disaster prevention in many schools and local communities, to all Japan! I have taken part in the local disaster prevention since 2006 to 2011. The experience helped protect many people from critical damage of the earthquake on March 11,2011.I'd like to tell the experience to all people in Japan. I'd like to cooperate in many activities of disaster prevention, so I established YY-BOUSAI-NET. In 2009,I was registered as the Miyagi-ken disaster prevention adviser-this is established by Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Fire-Defence Agency. Now, through YY-BOUSAI-NET, I give lectures about the disaster prevention in many residents' associations and schools. This is because I have received lecture results from crisis control section or the Board of Education of metropolis in the districts cities, towns and villages of all Japan. Over10,000(ten thousand) people have attended the lectures since July, 2011 to July, 2014. >From now on, I'd like to go around Japan and tell the importance of disaster prevention.



登下校時に地震が発生、身を守る。 ①ランドセルのフタを頭にかぶせる。 ②体操座り。 ③片手は地面に。 ④揺れが収まったら、ランドセルのフタはそのままで広い場所へ避難。